Friday 21 September 2018

Sri Lalita Sahasranama Stotram with Meanings in English

Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Om Sri Lalita Paradevyatai Namah๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Om Nama Sivaya๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Om Sri Valli Devasena Mata Sametha SrI Subramanya Swaminey Namah๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Namah๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Om Namo Venkatesaya๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Om Sri Sarasvatyai Namah๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Om Sri Brahma Devaya Namah๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Sri Gurubhyo Namah๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Thank you,, Sri N. Krishnaswamy sir, Ms Rama Venkataraman ma’am,,, and
Sorry and sincere apologies to all for the flaws adiyen may make in the interpretations, spelling or with any aspect๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Humbly and kindly requesting to kindly assist with correcting them by posting comments or through email at srivi90@gmail.com๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Thank you very much, respected Mrs Uma Kamakshi Rama Rao for your kind invaluable suggestion to post the Slokams with meaning in blog๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Sloka 1 :

Nama 1:

Nama 2:

 Nama 3:
 Nama 4:
 Nama 5:

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Empathy --> Kindness --> Universal Peace

The solution to deal with every seemingly hurtful, exploitative, suppressive, unreasonable or any unacceptable behavior is empathy. But please take care that you don't hurt yourself in the process. Peace, love and kindness for all :) 

Sunday 24 February 2013

A few realizations :)

When you revel in happiness, you understand the kind of person you want to be.

When you sulk in despondency, you discover the kind of person you actually are.

Sorry, but may I differ?

Yeah correct, but though a clock that's stopped shows the right time twice a day, trust me, none would trust it even if they look at it at the time it's showing. It's nice to have a positive attitude, but it's equally necessary to beware of the other side too."

An idle mind is a devil's workshop;
but a busy one's not an angel's either.

The 3 elements....

"The body has a definite beginning and an end.

The Atman (soul) has neither a beginning nor an end.

The thoughts that arise from the mind have a beginning but not an end.

Let's give rise to, or atleast spread only fruitful ones :)"

Pay attention to that kind soul....

A call by its name and a gentle touch of love is all that it wants. Give it that. It loves you for the person you are and expects only your love. It is innocent. It trusts you. It's all that it knows and you are its world. Love your pet.


It's maturity when you pity those who hurt you rather than getting angry or feeling hurt.

To see beyond the visible....

We complain about scarcity, scarcity of love, care, friends, relations, we find faults with those around, their small imperfections seem giantlike drawbacks. It's ok, that's how the human mind is trained. But definitely we can give a thought about how blessed we are in a few aspects, asking a question to ourselves, how much do we actually deserve of what we have now? Every breath we take and leave, every additional minute we get to live, the good people around that we have, their love and care, people who don't have the necessity to even worry about us coming forward to help us without even us asking them for favour, and above all God forgiving every small mistake to big sin that we commit knowingly or unknowingly. If we could think and see if we would get all this in a place devoid of benevolence, we will realize how much we have got more than what we deserve and start appreciating the blessings that have been bestowed upon us :)

Faith and Patience

When we hold on to God's feet, He puts us into the right hands :)


Your prayers can be silent, because God listens. He doesn't just hear them.

Nam Japa

Jai Sri Ram||
Bhakti is the only way to attain God. In Kaliyuga, Namasankeertana (chanting God's names) is the easiest way to travel along the Bhakti marga. God has given us this wonderful and easy to do method because He knows how the life of a person in Kaliyuga would be. When we start chanting we may face a lot of distractions and disturbances. But eventually the mind would get trained to go to the state of chanting with devotion. So it's ok if in the beginning we are unable to concentrate and chant. Keep telling Rama, Krshna or any God's name you want while waiting for a bus, sitting without doing any work, etc. Whether or not you think of God and chant, it definitely has 'Palan' and will be added to your Punya. Begin today and for sure it will become part of your life and you will chant with full devotion in a few days.


Thoughts : that arise from inside miraculously, that can be perceived only with the inner eye, that can be expressed, that can be translated for anyone to understand, that have the power to revolutionize, both an individual as well as a society, that are indestructible, yet can not be brought under the 4 major components of science : mass, energy, space and time, something God has given to humans, with a few attributes similar to His.

Something else that I also felt apart from the awe I had for thoughts : if one (in doubt of His existence) believes in the concept of thoughts, one is only a few steps away from realizing God.

Helping Us Ripen and Transform

Getting hurt is inevitable. What we learn and realize out of it is what chisels our future and exalts the sagacity of our mind and soul. The more we get hurt, the quicker we get rid of our Karma, and the earlier we attain the feet of God, which is what is eternal bliss, the ultimate purpose of human birth. If not for the hardships we faced and heartache we underwent, would there have been a better bridge that established the propinquity we have with God now. They have been the gardeners to garner and grow the seeds of faith and patience sown by the Almighty. We will definitely agree that life is a bed of roses if we are aware of and accept the fact that roses contain thorns. A little time spent on contemplation after sympathyzing enough with the self gives inner cognition and liberates the soul of the imaginary cobwebs of misery.

Asking for the Impossible....

Why do we grow up? Can't we remain kids forever, the times when innocence and ignorance was what life was all about? Dependent, protected, unburdened, nothing to worry about, when small things where the biggest ever we wanted, crying meant tears from the eyes, and that too being only transient, the biggest decision to make was the one on candy flavour, that being taken keeping none in mind and what we chose was what WE wanted, no quandary, no regrets, no pain, no perturbation....

And though I know the answers to the above questions, though I'm aware of the fact that growing up has its own positives aiming at completeness, and though my childhood wasn't all that perfect and happy, my heart still yearns for those days. It was not the best phase of life, but definitely better in many aspects.Thank you memory, atleast I could reminisce.

Wednesday 20 February 2013


เฎจเฎฐை เฎ•ூเฎŸிเฎฉாเฎฒுเฎฎ் เฎจเฎŸை เฎ•ூเฎฉிเฎฉாเฎฒுเฎฎ்
เฎจเฎฒிเฎฏாเฎฎเฎฒ் เฎคொเฎŸเฎฐுเฎฎ் เฎ…เฎฉ்เฎชே เฎ•ாเฎคเฎฒ்....

เฎชெเฎฃ்เฎฎைเฎฏிเฎฉ் เฎ…เฎดเฎ•ு :)

เฎคெเฎฉ்เฎฑเฎฒ் เฎคเฎŸ்เฎŸிเฎŸ เฎ’เฎฐு เฎชเฎ•்เฎ•เฎฎ் เฎตீเฎšுเฎฎ்
เฎชெเฎฃ்เฎฃிเฎฉ் เฎ•ேเฎšเฎฎ் เฎชோเฎฒ்
เฎชுเฎฏเฎฒ் เฎ•ாเฎฑ்เฎฑிเฎฒ் เฎ’เฎฐு เฎชுเฎฑเฎฎாเฎฏ்
เฎ•ீเฎฑ்เฎฑுเฎŸเฎฉ் เฎšாเฎฏுเฎฎ் เฎคெเฎฉ்เฎฉைเฎฏே
เฎ‰เฎฉ்เฎฉிเฎฒுเฎฎ் เฎ•ாเฎฃ்เฎ•ிเฎฑேเฎฉ் เฎชெเฎฃ்เฎฎைเฎฏிเฎฉ் เฎจாเฎฃเฎค்เฎคை , เฎจเฎณிเฎฉเฎค்เฎคை  :)

เฎตிเฎฃ்เฎฃเฎดเฎ•ே :)

เฎชொเฎฉ்เฎฉிเฎฑ เฎตเฎŸ்เฎŸเฎค்เฎคเฎŸ்เฎŸே
เฎ‰เฎฉ் เฎŽเฎณிเฎฎைเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎ’เฎณிเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฐுเฎ•்เฎ•ுเฎฎ் เฎ’เฎณி เฎชொเฎฐுเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฏ เฎ…เฎดเฎ•ு
เฎฎேเฎ•เฎฎ் เฎฎเฎฑைเฎค்เฎคாเฎฒ் เฎฎเฎฉเฎฎ் เฎเฎ™்เฎ•ுเฎฎ்
เฎ‰เฎฉ்เฎฉை เฎ…เฎคு เฎ•เฎŸเฎจ்เฎคு เฎชோเฎ•ுเฎฎ் เฎ•เฎฃเฎ™்เฎ•เฎณ் เฎŽเฎฉ் เฎ•เฎฃ்เฎ•เฎณ் เฎ•ாเฎฃுเฎฎ் เฎฏுเฎ•เฎ™்เฎ•เฎณ்
เฎตிเฎดி เฎ‡เฎฎைเฎ•்เฎ• เฎ‡เฎฏเฎฒாเฎฎเฎฒ் เฎฎเฎคி เฎฎเฎฏเฎ™்เฎ•ி เฎจிเฎฉ்เฎฑேเฎฉ் เฎฎுเฎดுเฎฎเฎคிเฎฏே :)

เฎตிเฎฉா เฎ‡เฎฒ்เฎฒா เฎตிเฎŸை....

เฎชுเฎฉிเฎค เฎตெเฎฃ்เฎฃிเฎฑ เฎ’เฎณிเฎฏே!
เฎจிเฎฑเฎฎிเฎฒ்เฎฒா เฎฎเฎดைเฎจீเฎฐ் เฎคுเฎณிเฎฏே!
เฎ‰เฎฉ்เฎฉாเฎฒ் เฎŽเฎต்เฎตாเฎฑு เฎ‰เฎฐுเฎตாเฎฉเฎคோ เฎเฎด் เฎตเฎฃ்เฎฃ เฎตாเฎฉเฎตிเฎฒ்?!

เฎตிเฎคைเฎฏிเฎฒ்เฎฒாเฎฎเฎฒ் เฎฎเฎฐเฎฎ் เฎŽเฎฉ்เฎชเฎคேเฎคு
เฎตிเฎŸைเฎฏிเฎฒ்เฎฒாเฎฎเฎฒ் เฎตிเฎฉா เฎ’เฎฉ்เฎฑேเฎคு?

เฎตாเฎด்เฎ•்เฎ•ை เฎŽเฎฉ்เฎชเฎคே เฎ•ேเฎณ்เฎตிเฎฏாเฎฏிเฎฉ்
เฎ‰เฎฏிเฎฐிเฎฉ் เฎชிเฎฐிเฎตு เฎคாเฎฉ் เฎ‰เฎฐிเฎฏ เฎชเฎคிเฎฒோ?

เฎ•ேเฎณ்เฎตிเฎ•்เฎ•ுเฎฑிเฎฏிเฎฉ் เฎ•ீเฎดே เฎฎுเฎฑ்เฎฑுเฎช்เฎชுเฎณ்เฎณி เฎ‰เฎณ்เฎณเฎคே
เฎŽเฎฉ்เฎฑாเฎฒ் เฎ‡เฎฐเฎฃ்เฎŸுเฎฎ் เฎ’เฎฐு เฎชொเฎฐுเฎณ் เฎคாเฎฉோ?!

Saturday 3 November 2012


Word that forms the basis of all religions, a word that has evolved ordinary people into poets, that has set the film industry thriving, and a concept that has confounded the younger generation of all times!

How does such a small single syllabled word encompass a sphere embracing joy, sorrow, pang and perplexity? That’s the power of softness I suppose! Life begins from love and ends with it. The reason of our birth is love, we are being loved right from the day we were conceived through the day of birth, our entire life, we make many realize what we mean to them upon our death and on days that follow. At each point it shows up in different ways, it is attributed differently and its outcomes are different too.

Some people show their love in the form of care and compassion, some with their kindness, some people’s love are seasoned with strictness, and for a few others their childlike expression of love appear on the lines of possessiveness. There’s nothing more amazing than the fact that even anger and hatred are signs of love!

When a mother chastens her kid, when a father lays down a rule, when a sister advises, a brother irritates, a friend pulls your leg, your girlfriend/boyfriend cares for you or your spouse who is your life’s soul expects your companion all the time, it’s nothing but just pure love. If we get a day to live upon every sunrise, it’s God’s love in disguise.

Some understand the concept clearly while some vacillate from one side to another in bewilderment in the process of comprehending its meaning. A few of the younger generation especially, are a confused bunch, that mostly mistake attraction and the normal opposite gender friendly interaction for love. The depth of the intangible word can only be felt, neither explained nor seen. If it’s a feeling that arises because of one’s attraction toward another’s looks, captivating behavior or charisma, it’s mere delusion. It will last only as long as the source of it lasts! And we are all quite sure how transient beauty, looks and charisma are. It is at this point we ought to make a self call to our senses, tap the mind and ask the question, ‘Are we in a state of intoxicated delusion or are we really in love?!” The maturity to question oneself, if not at least answer the question, comes to different people at different ages. For some, it’s even the kindergarten love that turns out into marriage. For some others, it’s after getting a clear understanding coming past the paths of crushes, for a few it’s born, borne and buried in their own hearts, and for the rest, it’s the first and forever love at a mature 20+ age, that is taken through a successful event of wedding and that stands strong through the tests of time.

Maybe looks are sometimes an entry point for a relationship to begin, but they neither lay foundation to it nor do they nurture the same. If physical appearance at any point is claimed to be the centre around which a relationship revolves, it will flicker and die out the moment the ephemeral gravity of looks is lost! ‘Chemistry’, yeah students use it more often these days, not sure of the reason though! It may happen to be a cause to begin and take a relationship forward, it’s something that’s natural and common at teenage, but how long will it continue if it doesn’t mature into platonic love at the right time? Upto the age of  30, 40? One should realize that only a love/relationship that arises and continues out of the liking for a person’s nature, is true. If other fleeting factors like looks, attraction and status  are mistaken to be the cause for love, they will eventually fade too, because there’s no such thing as love in it. When we humans who are creations of a perfect being called God, are imperfect, can we design someone customizing to our own likings? When we ourselves are imperfect will our creations or the changes we try to bring into someone make them perfect, or will it have any meaning? If we keep finding faults and ask them to change for some reasons it is going to have no end. And if we are in search of that Mr/ Ms Perfect, the search will not end too! So whether it’s a person you find or your parents do, it’s about accepting the person as he/she is and living a life appreciating the positives, and understanding and adjusting with the qualities that you find difficult to accept. That will make life sweeter and our hearts kinder.  Will it be justice if people walk away citing reasons of lost youth? That’s the most inhuman act one could ever do. That’s not the culture based on which we humans are raised too. When a couple are 60+ of age and they still share the same bond they used to 30 to 40 yrs back, with care and concern for each other, that is what is a life lived completely, a life lived with love.

True love forgives. The best examples of all time will be God and mother. True love is unconditional, it’s unadulterated. Love understands, cares, sacrifices and gives precedence to other over self, it shuts the external eye and views only through the inner one. Loyalty and mutual trust are the most important of all factors for a relationship to continue lifelong, and who knows even beyond this material life.

The unconditional nature of love is what makes love, love. Anything else is but business, expecting a profit in return to what is being given. Its supremacy too is evident in God’s love, and in mothers’. Other members of family too shower it in their own way. The most innocent love can be felt in grandparents’. They become a child once again and we become their parents. When we were born, they waited for their designation to change :) they dreamt of the first time we would ever call them ‘Grandma’, ‘Grandpa’ (in one’s own language). When they were called they felt like heaven. The same was the case with our parents too. And as elder siblings we would have seen our younger ones at our own young age with innocent curiosity and love. They too reciprocate it and their love grows mature with the passing years. A small family can have so much bonding within itself, and beautiful nests of care and guardianship for each other can be began to be built from a young age. Can we forget a pet’s love here? Without a sixth sense, with only feelings and with a pure heart, it’s one of the best creations of God, and the best source to learn from. When seeds are sown and showered with the right amount of dearness, it would leave no individual stone hearted. That’s the beauty of unconditional love, no expectations, no hassles, the best way to live life. It’s these points we need to make sure of, to answer the question above. If the love for the person you have is something as pristine and care-oriented as the love you have for your family members or pets, you can conclude to some extent that you love the person truly. And it’s here that you eradicate reasons of tangibility like looks, colour, money and attraction. So there’s so much that can actually be learnt from your family. You can decide for yourself if you are in doubt, and at the same time develop into a complete human personality with a heart full of love and benignity.

When it starts from a family it doesn’t necessarily end there. It’s extended to relations beyond blood: the immediate and further circle of relations, friends, and even third persons. A kind heart shows compassion to the tiniest living creature as it would to fellow humans. It’s about how we grasp, grow and cultivate. Even a stoic can be made to melt and taught to melt others.

It’s love that forms the basis of the universe, a notion that has no barriers of language, a feeling that makes a human, humane. It’s inside us, already sown and present. The search is dealt with removing the hazy dust of expectations, digging out the mud of vengeance, and plucking off the weeds of chemistry. When these are done, true love, which is platonic, can be seen treasured deep inside :)

Buts for the better

Trust, but don’t be gullible

Love, but don’t try to impress

Miss someone, but don’t let that gap turn into a rift

Respect, but don’t be servile,

Indulge in innocence, but distinguish it from ignorance.

Yearn for something, but don’t be jealous of it.

Cry your pain out, but don’t seek refuge in tears.

Sympathize with yourself, but don’t grow weaker.

Be compassionate towards others, but don’t expect an iota of reciprocation from them.

Explain, but don’t try to convince

Apologize cravingly, but don’t get knocked over if not pardoned

Forgive wholeheartedly, but forget not the lessons it taught you.

Confide, but before that choose the right ‘to whom’

Repent, regret, reprove and reproach yourself for something, but make sure you don’t repeat the cause of it.

Say no if you can’t, but be polite

Verbalize, but make sure you are heard

Discuss, but don’t argue

Concentrate on knowing what’s right, but on not who is.

State what you want to, but remember, being kind is always more important than being frank.

Do your best, but don’t expect.

Talk to yourself, but make sure you are honest

Be honest to others, but not too revealing.

Embark upon your passion, but let the risk be a calculated one.

Prioritize, but attend to all.

Give up, but only when the relationship is more valuable than your stand.

Give in, but only if you are completely convinced with the claim.

Share your sorrows, but only with the one who cares.

Understand and realize, but don’t grumble.

Ruminate, but don’t drown yourself into sulkiness.

Pay attention to yourself, but don’t love yourself more than you love the others.

Travel long and far, but don’t forget the beginning that brought you to where you are now

Let the past be your guesthouse, but not your eternal place of stay

Believe in miracles, but don’t be indolent.

Be humble when you get, but humbler when you give!

Celebrate your victory, but don’t rest on your laurels,

Be strong, but always remember there’s someone stronger!

Have sophistication in thoughts, but lead a life of simplicity.

Be yourself, but don’t be too repellant to changes if they are for the better.

Listen to your heart, but decide with your brain.

‘If’s and ‘But’s may be words of fools. But, who knows! Some ‘but’s may always be for the better and when followed we may escape from proving their claim right!

Monday 1 October 2012

Have you found that someone? :)

If there's a mail in your inbox,
If there's someone who remembered to send you a good morning message,
If an acquaintance you walked past remembered to smile at you,
If there's someone to ask you how you are or if you ate,
If there's someone who could lend one's ears when you say you want to share something with them,
If a heart is capable of wiping away your pain and making you feel better,
If someone guided you along the right direction when you were about to take the wrong one,
If someone just held you seconds before you were to fall into a pit, both in the literal sense and metaphorically
If someone values even your slightest smile their source of happiness,
If there's someone who can see the truth behind your despondent smiles,
If there's someone who could treat your small achievements big and encourage you,
If there's someone whom you could always count on, no matter how busy they are or how stressful a day they had,
If there's someone who could spare their time to accompany you,
If there's someone who helps you with a sum in an emergency, without asking a single question,
If there's someone who sees happiness in yours and celebrates,
If there's someone who is moved to tears on seeing your pain,
If there's someone who saved your life or someone who fed a meal,
If there's someone who wished or prayed for your success
If there's someone who pronounced an auspicious word for you,
If there's someone whose music, lyric or voice has lifted you up from taking extreme decisions in life or has reduced the hatred you had towards it,
If someone gave you a sweet surprise and brought tears in your eyes every time you thought of it,
If there's someone who holds on to you despite you treating them wrong,
If there's someone who silently bears all the tantrums you throw at them, without even revealing their feelings thinking it might leave you upset,
If there's someone in whom you can confide without hesitation, to whom you can confess without shyness,
If there's someone who melted your heart with their kindness,
If there's someone who taught you a value for lifetime,
If someone came to your mind while reading this and if you have realized you have/had atleast one of the above, remember, you are living this life for a reason. That each someone is a God-sent blessing. And if it's a single someone that has given you most of the above (except parents, siblings, relatives, friends and celebrity), you have found your life :)


She gives up her joy for others.
She is forced to find her happiness in others’.
She is asked to decide, but not given a choice.
She is considered by many, a liability, while the rest of the world covets her as an asset.
She is called incapable, unintelligent and always a burden on the shoulder.
Her smile is what everyone sees, and she is assumed to be a slaphappy.
But behind each of that smile lies a repository of responsibilities, a buried bunch of sadness that she unpacks and cries over every night.
Her sense of indebtedness to her parents, only she knows.
She gives, gives up, gives in and gives away.
She is always the one to forgive first, forget at once, knowing though there’s nothing that is actually for her.
Her family’s problem has always been her problem,
But hers have mostly gone unheard, unnoticed.
She is expected to befriend her in-laws who disdain her as an alien threat
And to get used to them quicker than she got used to her new academia.
Household chores are something she loves to do,
To cook for her family and get some appreciation for that is all that she expects.
To talk for her rights is breach of doctrine,
And to at least remain silent is her show of arrogance, well the world calls it so.
She knows what’s right, she foresees and mostly overlooks her likings.
Her heart is used only to beat, keep her alive and to cry, but she beats it down most of the times to make her intellect rule the show.
Her gender is synonymous to being accommodative, that’s how it has been rooted in everyone’s mind.
She lives every part of life for those around her, like the waning wax of a candle,
Despite this, all her worth is known only upon her death.
But thank you world, you only keep elevating her glory with every suppression that you cast at her.
You only increase her reverence with every deplorable act of yours.
Because she knows the magic of turning muddy dust into a golden one.
The naturally beautiful yet made up face hides all the worries,
 Her life isn’t a paradise, not even an oasis, but just a mirage.
She wipes away the pain along with her tears.
And every time she does that she is reborn like a phoenix.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Mixed Thoughts in an evening bus journey….

Breeze berrufles my hair,
Thoughts sink me into lost nothingness.
Thinking of the past I recline on my bus's seat,
Knowing not what to ask for.
I love the tranquility within....
My eyes see but don't look!
They are wide open yet the mind's shut for foreign forces to pierce in.
I'm neither pensive nor lazy,
neither sleepy nor desolate.

I stare through the transparent windscreen,
I hear some song
but not driven towards listening to it.
The vehicle stops every now and then,
but I'm just not interested to know if it's a signal, toll or a jam
Trees move backwards in a trice
I move past the white lines in blink of an eye.

Once in a while my head directs up
To look at the unimaginable vast infinity
Sunset stupendous as always,
dusk dampening down the spirit's excitement to ground level,
reiterating that stability is nature's nature.
Birds flocking beautifully back to their nests
tell me a silent message and I understand that secret.

I feel like a cat standing on a wall
Not knowing which side to take!
I'm bad at deciding, trusting my decision and being happy with it.
I want that wall to collapse instead,
so that the two sides merge into one,
thus letting me escape from making a choice.
And now this unknown incomprehensible feeling too may be my mind's tactic of escapism.
If it's not so let me wait and study if it's placidity masking all the pain within....

Idhayam inda Idhayam….

A song I’m in love with, rather mad about for the last few days. It’s only rarely you come across a song that you want to listen to even a hundred times continuously over and over again and yet not get bored. So what makes this song so special? Or atleast to me? I just can’t contain the beauty of it, it’s music, lyrics, Shweta Pandit’s mesmerizing voice and rendition and the classical base on which it’s composed. So felt like writing on it!

The song begins with a beautiful lilting note and that plays in the background throughout at a lower volume. The Pallavi goes like “Idhayam inda Idhayam innum ethanai inbangal thangidumo….”, and the next line is similar with only the word ‘Inbam’ replaced with ‘Thunbam’. May seem to be an easily written and simple line but they are very very true and relevant. The fact that we could relate to it so well beautifies it even more!

Every other line that follows is deep and lovely too. For example, “kaayam yaavaiyum thetri kondu idu marubadiyum ninaikkirade”, “ethanaiyo kadalai idu vizhungum….”, “vendum vendum endru….thullume”, are also so genuine and show the nature of heart. Na. Muthukumar has used a different tool here. Unlike many other lyricists who commonly take up to writing about ironies like fire and the Sun becoming cold, water and night turning hot, etc. , he simply calls it “Idu thavithidum neruppa, illai kulirndidum neera….”, and only the third line employs an irony “Idu pani erimalaiya…” and that keeps the suspense and resplendence of the song soaring. Lines that deserve a mention are the next ones.. “Ullathile arai undu vaasalillai….ulle vandidum ninaivo thirumbavillai….”. This kind of an imagination is new and awe inspiring! How could someone think so brilliantly! Especially, “Ulle vandidum….” How true it is! Thoughts that come in don’t go out of our minds so easily. Greatly conceived and expressed!

The interlude that follows is a set of Swarams. A few pieces of music resemble (not copied definitely) the ones of Ennavale from Kadhalan, but it's not Kedaram.

 The song is based on Reethi Gowlai Ragam (Courtesy : Sindhuja :))

Words of the second stanza are profound too. “Engum bodu idu vizhikkum….vendum endre idu nadikkum....”, again a nice realization. An admirable aspect is Shweta’s pronunciation. Hailing from a north Indian background, her efforts to take care of the diction of Tamizh words is commendable. In fact, even those who know the language well may sometimes be less accurate in doing it but she pronounces exactly. Be it the lines “Kadavulin pizhaiya….”, “kulirndhidum”, etc, the ‘zha’, “I” sounds are so clear and well pronounced. With regards to the lyrics now, initially, “Kadavulin pizhaiya….” may rage up some who think such a question is wrong. On listening to it for the first time I was upset too, but the next line immediately took care of the answer, justifying that an opposite idea is tried and of course Muthukumar is a theist too so it’s just a poetic license he employs! (“Illai padaithavan kodaiya….” )Another notable aesthetic of the two lines is the play with the Tamizh alphabet. The “Ka Pa” interchanged. On to the next line! “Kelvi illa vidaiya?!” O My God! The movie was released long back but I listened to it only sometime ago, and was amazed that it resonated with a poem I had written on same lines. Answers without a question. And the ending is as good as the rest of the lines!

Above everything, the erudition of the poet can be seen from the fact that though the entire song just talks about a sensitive topic of ‘heart’ and the reason could be anything for describing it on such lines, and need not necessarily be love or romance, it doesn’t use a single romantic word explicitly, that too in today’s world of cinema where every song is based only on that idea. It may or may not be implicitly meant, but it’s definitely a difficult job to restrain from usage of such words and yet touch every heart that listens to it! We too can associate with other things like friendship, relations or anything. The song definitely needs a great appreciation for this very aspect itself.

Ok, writing so much on the lyrics doesn't mean its music is venerated any less. It’s a treat to the ears with the Carnatic touch, and the originality of composition. Yuvan Sankar Raja has done a great deal of work in meticulously taking care of its non resemblance to other previously composed ones. His discernment to stifle background music and make it softer, so that the singer's voice and spirit are made to reach the listeners well is worthy of praise.

Most importantly, Shweta’s Bhaavam or the feel with which she sings the entire song, thrashing away all the language barriers, melts one’s heart. Special mention of “Sollume….”, “pani erimalaiya”, “engum bodo….” “Nadikkum….”, "enna nadakkummmmm....".

Idhayam inda idhayam innum ethanai murai idil moozhgidumo :)

Understanding Destiny : Comprehensively

A few things in destiny are taken for a stroll along smooth roads and eventually go through a successful completion. Some others are taken for a toll, encountered with obstacles, thereby being misinterpreted that only a dead end awaits and that’s what is destined to happen. But to jump over every hurdle with incessant perseverance and then reach the pinnacle could also be written on our fortune’s books. It’s here that the nuance of divine decree plays role and shows us that there’s a dichotomy that exists within, and that coming over stumbling blocks to realize your dream is also part of karma. Don’t give up on God at any point.

What’s the Question?!

To know not why,
to heave a sigh

Not of relief,
but out of enigmatic grief

What’s it about the drama around??
That stirs my soul, trying to bury me under the ground

Tumults taunt and turmoils haunt
Tremulous voices inside asking for what they want

But I’m sorry I don’t understand,
for their visage is blurred by my vision’s invisible hand

Can emptiness weigh so much?
And isn’t there a question that lets the uproar quench?